As I have mentioned before I am reading “The Problem of Pain” by CS Lewis. It a great book and very deep. I haven’t finished it just yet but I have been thinking about it a lot today. One part in particular. The big question he addresses is “why do bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people?” and strangely enough Lewis uses science to answer this in a very fundamental way. He talked about the laws of the universe, of physics and how we could not live or function in a world where those laws where not fixed and unmovable, how could we do anything in our daily lives if the possibility of gravity stopping was always pending, we could be in the shower getting ready for work when all the sudden there is no more gravity, we now can no longer get the soap out of our hair but also we are now floating around in the bathroom, imagine if you where driving your car or you where at work or the gym. Imagine all the cars and people and work out equipment that would be flying around. And that is only if one single law was not fixed and definite. What if sound or light behave unpredictably and had no laws to govern it. The world would be in complete chaos. So Lewis then asks this questions, Why then do we expect that a piece of wood in a bad mans hands is not going to have the same physical properties as the piece of wood in a carpenters hands? We would wish for all act that are done by evil or for evil be stopped by a loving God and yet if that where the case this world would be uninhabitable. It is not that God is not able or willing to stop bad things from happening but he sees the greater good in our discomfort. When do we grow the most, when we are under pressure. So the other side of this coin is that God sees more then we are able and isn’t AS concerned with our comfort as with our growth.

Until then…